21 Filling Flasks

Square Pusher 1 Sticker
(must have solved Puzzle 03 in fewer than 14 movements)

Leave through the door

Once Upon a Time Sticker
(must have reached the garden)

Step back into the basement

Pick up the strange slingshot on the left

Strange Slingshot

Check out the strange experiment under the light on the right

21 Filling Flasks


Step by Step Solution

Pour the left container into the middle container

Pour the middle container into the right container

Pour the right container into the left container

Pour the middle container into the right container

Pour the left container into the middle container

Pour the middle container into the right container

Pour the right container into the left container

Pour the middle container into the right container

Pour the left container into the middle container

Pour the middle container into the right container

Pour the right container into the left container

Pour the middle container into the right container

Pour the left container into the middle container

Pour the middle container into the right container

The middle container has exactly eight ounces

03 A Key Moment

Nintendo DS
Emily the Strange : Strangerous Walkthrough