28 Free Miles

Climb down the well
(must have solved Puzzle 27)

28 Free Miles


Step by Step Solution

Slide the bottom small square block right

Slide the next small square block down

Slide the right vertical block down

Slide the top horizontal block right

Slide the top small square block right

Slide the next small square block up and right

Slide the left vertical block up

Slide Miles right and up

Slide the bottom horizontal block left

Slide the large square block down

Slide the top left small square block down and right

Slide the left vertical block right

Slide Miles up and left

Slide the left vertical block left and down

Slide Miles right and down

Slide the top small square block left

Slide Miles up and right

Slide the small square block below Miles left

Slide Miles down

Slide the top horizontal block left

Slide Miles to the exit

Miles has escaped


Nintendo DS
Emily the Strange : Strangerous Walkthrough