Walk left back to the beach
Walk to the left side of the beach and switch to Miles
Look at the middle spot of the three marked spots
(must have solved Puzzle 41)
Switch to Emily and dig in the same spot
Just for fun, get Miles to check out either of the other two
marked spots then dig there to find something unexpected
marked spots then dig there to find something unexpected
Walk right and free Nee Chee from the cage
(must have dug up the treasure)
42 Free Nee Chee
Step by Step Solution
Slide the left vertical block up
Slide the left small square block up and left
Slide the left vertical block down
Slide the top vertical block left
Slide the top horizontal block left
Slide the right small square block up
Slide the right vertical block up
Slide the bottom vertical block right
Slide the bottom horizontal block right
Slide the bottom left vertical block down
Slide the top left vertical block down
Slide the top horizontal block left and up
Slide the top left vertical block up
Slide the large square block up
Slide Nee Chee left
Slide the bottom horizontal block up and right
Slide the large square block down
Slide the top left vertical block right
Slide the left small square block right
Slide Nee Chee to the exit
Nee Chee has escaped
41 A Map of Treasures
Nintendo DS
Emily the Strange : Strangerous Walkthrough
Emily the Strange : Strangerous Walkthrough